Monday, July 30, 2007

Are passwords better than challenge questions?

Based on the negative ratings I assigned some challenge questions in this white paper, people have asked me if I believe challenge questions are worthless. No, they aren’t worthless. However, challenge questions have several inherent flaws that must be recognized and addressed for them to provide adequate authentication.

If we were to compare a typical challenge question answer with a typical password, we would find that the password is a better authenticator. A password has both more total and likely possibilities, which improves its uniqueness. It also has better integrity than a challenge question answer because it isn’t intentionally based on personal information.

Interestingly enough, the unstructured nature of passwords does actually present a risk that challenge questions avoid. Because asking for a password is the equivalent of asking "say anything", attackers don’t have to pay any attention to the question. A password guess of "llama" is just as acceptable as "redsox". With challenge questions, you would only expect to see "llama" as an answer to a question such as "what is your favorite animal". An answer of "redsox" for that same question doesn’t make sense and shouldn’t be guessed [1].

If a criminal wants to penetrate online identities using a brute force password guessing attack, they only need a single list of possible usernames and passwords. They may even do their research ahead of time and limit their list to the 100 or 1,000 most popular passwords. Then the attacker unleashes their password guessing software on the web application to find valid credential combinations.

When that same criminal wants to penetrate a challenge question authentication system using a brute force attack, they have more work to do. If the attacker uses the list of common passwords, they aren’t going to have much success, because challenge questions expect a specific type of answer. Instead, the attacker will have to come up with lists of the 100 most popular animals, 100 most popular authors, 100 most popular child names, etc. to fit the expected challenge question answers.

Once the attacker has done this initial groundwork (or just grabbed a list from someone else) they have to configure their software to match the right list of answers with the appropriate questions. This isn’t difficult, but does put another obstacle in their path.

Back to the original question, the real strength of challenge questions comes from the common practice of asking multiple questions to authenticate a user. An attacker can’t just run through 100 passwords and hope for a match. They have to find the right combination out of 100 animals, 100 authors, and 100 child names to penetrate a user account [2].

Since this approach is very time consuming (100 x 100 x 100 = 1 million total guesses) an attacker is likely to shorten their lists to the top 10 most popular answers for each type of question. Or they’ll choose a different challenge question authentication attack that requires less guesswork [3].

A single challenge question may not be better than a single password, but you don’t have to settle for that option. Address this flaw by choosing the right challenge questions and requiring users to correctly answer several of them during authentication.

1. Users don’t have to provide logical answer to challenge questions since there is no way for the system to check. Some people might purposely provide a nonsensical answer to a challenge question in an attempt to make it more password-like.

2. Depending on the particular application’s implementation of challenge question authentication, an attacker might have to guess both this combination and the user’s password.

3. See the white paper for descriptions of these alternative attacks against challenge question authentication systems.

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